vc1AnU Where I am from we don at get enough of this type of thing. Got to search around the entire globe for such relevant stuff. I appreciate your effort. How do I find your other articles?!
From: Gevr Date: 01/30/2017
I don't know how I missed this little gem ! It paints a very nice and sweet portrait of Illya, as big brother, and his siblings. The fact that he, too, is not fond of thunder and lightning makes it all the sweeter. Also the reference to the other story where he and Napoleon meet while hurt, is very nice.
From: alynwa Date: 01/29/2017
This is today's recommended slash story in MFU's Short Stories on LJ and I am shocked that no one has commented on this tale I first read years ago. It has aged very well and is still enjoyable.
From: alynwa Date: 05/24/2012
I read this a long time ago; I thought I had commented then on how good I think it is. The image I have of Illya, surrounded and covered by his siblings during a thunderstorm, is so sweet and loving. His telling of the American who helped him makes it seem that their love was almost preordained.